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Unconventional Communities: Dr. White's fourth book

Our lives aren’t our own. Our habits of thought, feeling and action have immeasurable social power.

It is up to us, both communities and citizens, to shift our patterns to serve the well-being of us all.

This is a Community-Help book. It is intended for individuals to use to better understand, and improve their capacity, to make shifts that improve their communities. It is also intended for communities to use to better serve, and improve their accountability, to make shift that improve the lives of groups and individuals under their care.

What Does an Executive Shaman Do?

Leader Culture programs for Corporations
An individual leadership program for Elite Executives
A team-based leadership program for Elite Executives

The Executive Shaman Podcast

Listen in to be entertained, educated and engaged by the real-life (often imperfect) application of leadership models, evidence-based research, and innovative ideas.

leadership psychologist • executive shaman

Dr. Krystal White

Dr. Krystal White entertains, educates and engages others to adopt a growth mindset, take full ownership of their lives, and make a positive impact on those around them. With over fifteen years of professional experience developing individuals, organizations, and communities, she empowers others to achieve their authentic, conscious outcomes. She has developed leaders for the military, built communities for a seminary, assessed special needs children for a school system, and inspired active listening for a radio station.

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